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Honoring Your Inner Voice: The Journey to Self-Discovery

Updated: Jun 19, 2024

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook the importance of listening to our inner voice and honoring ourselves. During a recent podcast episode, my guest Steffi and I delved into this profound topic, exploring the significance of honoring oneself in both big and small ways.

As I shared, "Honoring yourself in the little ways is just as important as the big ways. If that voice is telling you to join that dance class, then go ahead and do it."

Steffi echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the uniqueness of each individual's heart and soul. "We all have a unique heart and soul so it will be different for everybody. The challenges we perceive are also very unique. For someone, going to a dance class and following that inner guidance can be more challenging than moving across the world.

It’s really about that inner movement and honoring every step we take, even if it doesn’t seem that big."

Steffi’s insights highlight the importance of acknowledging and respecting our personal journeys. "To me, it's all about resonance. Whatever you've heard, honor it. That's step number one. You honor your inner voice. It doesn’t have anything to do with anybody else. This is you. You're unique. You're beautiful. You honor you."

Creating space for our inner desires is crucial. Steffi suggested, "Create an altar or a place where that desire can be written on paper or symbolized in some way. Honor the fact that it exists. It doesn’t have to take form all of a sudden but create space for it. And if you talk to someone about this, make sure it's a person who can be there for you, who will not judge you or talk you out of it. Treasure it because it's yours."

This advice resonated with me deeply. Recently, I read a book called The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer. It explores the journey of letting go of control. One quote, though I might not recall it word for word, goes something like, "You'll never see how beautiful life is if you are always in control." The message is clear:

if we are always trying to control things, we leave no space for magic.

We can become so fixated on a particular idea that we fail to see the greater possibilities the universe has in store for us. Patience and surrender are key to allowing life’s magic to unfold.

Honoring yourself is a journey of self-discovery. It requires listening to your inner voice, creating space for your desires, and being patient with the process. Whether it's joining a dance class or simply acknowledging a dream, every step you take is significant.

Remember, you are unique and beautiful. Your journey is yours alone, and honoring it is the first step towards embracing the magic of life.

Listen to this inspiring conversation with Steffi That Was The Moment... my inner voice said ‘you're moving to Peru’.

let go of control
Photo by Paul Pastourmatzis on Unsplash

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