Starting Afresh: Honouring Yourself through Endings and Beginnings
Updated: Jun 6, 2024
Ending a relationship is a tough decision, but sometimes it's crucial for our growth and well-being. Yet, recognizing when it's time to move on can be a challenge.
Often, our intuition and body send signals long before our mind catches up. That inner voice, the quiet whisper telling us, "This isn’t right. This isn’t love. You deserve better." Yet, we often silence it, rationalizing that things will improve, that they'll change, or that we can change them through our love. We paint scenarios of improvement—marriage, a baby, a new city—hoping for a shift.
My guest Natasha on Episode 3 of That Was The Moment... found herself in this cycle until a moment of awakening. Despite being four months away from her wedding, she realized she needed to honor her feelings and intuition, even if it meant canceling the engagement.
It was an agonizing decision, but Natasha knew it was the right one.
This ending marked a new beginning—a loving relationship with herself.

Natasha recognized she had neglected herself in her past relationships. She took time to rediscover who she was. Central to her healing was seeking support and allowing herself to be vulnerable. Though admitting the truth to loved ones wasn't easy, their understanding and empathy were pivotal.
Another lesson Natasha learned was that true change comes from within; we can't force it on others. Our focus should be on our journey and nurturing a positive relationship with ourselves.
Her advice is clear: trust your intuition, seek support, and embrace self-discovery. Through transformation, we unearth our true selves, ready to embrace life's possibilities.
You can watch or listen to Natasha's inspiring journey, That Was The Moment... I ended my engagement 4 months before the wedding.