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Finding Your Voice: The Hidden Connection Between Eating Disorders and Self-Expression

Updated: Jun 6, 2024

When my guest Jennifer Hendler from Claiming My Voice began working closely with women struggling with eating disorders, she uncovered a profound truth:

Their preoccupation with food and weight was often a substitute for their voice.

The eating disorder served as a coping mechanism for unspoken feelings, emotions, wounds, and traumas that they didn't feel safe addressing openly.

These women had experienced rejection, criticism, and gaslighting when they tried to speak their truth. Consequently, they decided at some point that it was safer to remain silent. Whether it was emotional trauma, sexual trauma, physical trauma, or simply the pervasive trauma of existing as a woman in our culture, they internalized the belief that it was better not to speak up.

In the absence of being able to express their authentic selves, these women turned to food as a means of coping. For some, this meant not eating, while for others, it meant overeating. Both behaviors served to numb their feelings and, in effect, squashed their voices.

Jennifer believes there is a profound connection between food, weight, and voice. Typically, a fixation on food and weight indicates that there is something within you that needs to be heard and expressed. This inner voice and wisdom are crying out for attention, yearning to be expressed in your relationships or career.

your voice deserves to be heard
Photo by Gantas Vaičiulėnas on Unsplash

The key is to find a safe space to explore these feelings.

While it might feel scary and challenging—precisely the reason you haven't done it yet—addressing these underlying issues is essential. Focusing on food and weight, despite the discomfort and suffering it brings, often feels easier than delving into the uncertain territory of unspoken traumas.

True liberation and freedom come when you have a safe space to express yourself. Healing might seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. While some phases of healing can be challenging, pairing the process with pleasure can make it more manageable.

This is where holistic healing practices like flower essences can be beneficial. They provide a gentle way to support your journey into deeper, sometimes darker, territories. Healing can be paired with nurturing and nourishing experiences, leading to the discovery of magical things about yourself and your process.

As you get to know yourself on a deeper level and navigate scary territories, you'll find that the journey can also be incredibly nurturing and nourishing. The process of self-discovery is not only beautiful but also empowering. Your voice deserves to be heard, and finding a safe space to express it is the first step toward true healing and freedom.

Listen to this empowering conversation with Jennifer That Was The Moment... I began co-creating with the Universe to find my purpose!

To find out more about Jennifer, check out her website:

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